Monday, November 05, 2007

One consolation of aging - an enigmatic bon mot

"A man is a fool if he drinks before the age of 50; and a fool if he doesn't after that."

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959)

Naturally, I don't agree with this; but it does offer some hope for me in my declining years - perhaps in a decade or so my drinking will become more socially acceptable, and perhaps even more enjoyable?? We shall see.

However, I post this largely because I was fascinated to discover that the great man had expressed an opinion on alcohol - even if it is one that is hard to fathom the wisdom of.

I rather prefer this (entirely non-drinking-related) line of his:
"Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age."

I found this latter quotation at the head of a rather excellent webpage about Wright (tons of links to discussions and photos of his work) - well worth a look.

And, in passing, this is Post No. 400 from the Barstool. How time flies!!!

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