Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It makes you think, doesn't it?

Last night, The Chairman and a bunch of his IELTS Examiner cronies launched a Philosophy Corner (like we need another excuse to go out and drink in the middle of the week!). It was an emotional return to his 'roots' for His Chairmanliness, since he was once upon a time a philosophy teacher in an English university. At the inaugural meeting, he gave us a 30-minute talk on the topic of 'faith' (primarily religious faith, and indeed more particularly theistic, and largely though not exclusively Christian faith). Many interesting points were raised; rather too many, in fact, for there to be any clear focus in the subsequent discussion. I was hoping we might get into a full-on Atheists vs. God-squadders fist-fight..... but alas, no.

There was, however, plenty of earnest chin-stroking..... that brought to mind the classic intellectual contest below.

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