Sunday, November 02, 2008

A change of luck?

Imagine a suspense-building drumroll, if you will.

Yes, THIS is Post No. 888 here on the Barstool.

As I have already explained over on brother-blog Froogville (being the more prolific of my two online forums, it passed this milestone several months ago), '888' is the luckiest number there is for the Chinese.

I can only wish that this auspiciously numbered post will usher in a period of brighter prospects and greater happiness for me. The past few weeks have seen a huge building site springing up right outside my window, a complete stagnation of my income, and a stalled, ill-starred (wonderful, delightful, but doomed) love affair. Poverty, insomnia, and sexual frustration - it's really not a good mix. It's about time Life dealt me a rather better hand. Here's hoping.

It's not that I've suddenly become an optimist, you understand. It's just that I believe things can't really get any worse.

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