Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weekend musical moment

My friend Nate the Promoter brought over Canadian band Patrick Watson (the Montreal singer-songwriter who heads the ensemble gives his name also to the band as a whole; some people seem to find this quirkily charming, but to me it suggests either rampant egomania or a sorry lack of panache in the art of band-naming) to play at Yugong Yishan last Sunday. Unfortunately, I missed the gig, but most people I know who went have praised it very highly.

I'm still a bit of a sceptic after noodling around on YouTube all morning listening to them. The high voice, indistinct vocals, and jangly piano do not appeal, a little too reminiscent of Coldplay for my taste.

Nevertheless, I was quite taken with their Mr Tom, a ghostly instrumental piece which appears to be a pastiche of Satie's Trois Gymnopedies, and with Fireweed (mainly for the rather striking video - below - shot in Iceland).... rather less so with their song Beijing (incomprehensible lyrics leave you wondering what on earth it's got to do with Beijing), although it has some interestingly eccentric percussion in it.

Ah well, see what you think. (And do let me know what you thought of the YGYS show, if you were there.)

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