Monday, February 15, 2010

Housewarming aftermath

Not nearly as bad as last time, at least (that's what comes of having less than half as many people come!). Still, not an appealing prospect to wake up with the next morning. Or the next afternoon, I should say. I was very good about it, though: I did do nearly all of the cleaning and tidying straight away.


Froog said...

One of the reasons I so covet a courtyard... to be able to throw an outdoor party. But I guess the amount of clearing up is going to be the same: same burden on the kitchen, same amount of part-used booze to round up, same number of receptacles waiting to be cleaned... Ugh.

'Idiots', indeed. I am sourly inclined to think that there's something about a party that turns people into idiots. There was so much gob-smacking bad guest behaviour at mine, I was just about ready to hit someone by the end of it.

Harvster said...

Er, looks pretty tidy to me. In fact rather like a house before anyone has arrived. Especially that table with all the drinks on.

The Nag said...

Ah, Harvster, didn't know that you frequented this blog as well.

Froog said...

Yes, I was disappointed by how punily most people drank. There are some empties in that big black bin bag off to the bottom right, and a lot of the bottles on the table are half empty, but still... it's a pretty piss-poor effort really.

Not enough Oxford men there.

The British Cowboy said...

Idiots at parties - like the guy who stood in my dining room last time (where the heat sensitive food was placed) and ate cherries, spitting the stones onto the floor without any attempt at civilization. He's off the list for RibFest 2010.

Harvster said...

I drop in from time to time but not as often as I should.