Saturday, February 05, 2011

Great Drinking Songs (26)

It hadn't occurred to me until a few days ago (in the bar, of course) what a perfect drunken singalong the Queen classic Bohemian Rhapsody is - everyone knows ALL the words!  (It's a great 'air guitar' piece too!)

Here's the original video:

And here's a great live version from one of their big Wembley concerts in the '80s.

Here are the boys from Wayne's World singing along....

And here's a Lego version....

Here's an arrangement for classical guitar, played by Edgar Cruz:

And finally, the world's weirdest cover band, Hayseed Dixie, doing their thing with it...

Update: I later discovered that Pink does a surprisingly good version of this too. Faye Wong's take on it, though, is painful.

Further update: Weird Al Yankovic has done it as a polka - which takes barely half as long! Inspired!!


Jeremiah said...

Not weird...awesome! How fun would these guys be as a bar band?

Cedra Wood said...

You're going to mention Bohemian Rhapsody and drunkenness in the same breath, and not bring up professional puppetry? For shame, Froog! You must allow me to supplement your (otherwise excellent and comprehensive) cover collection with one that (for me) has enriched the BR experience forever, regardless of degree of intoxication:

Froog said...

J, nice of you to drop in. Haven't heard from you in ages.

Are you a longtime fan of Hayseed Dixie?

I think they were first introduced to me by the blogs' "motoring correspondent" Little Anthony, on the band names thread (remember that?? I really should try and get it going again!).

Thanks so much for the link, Cedra. I don't know how I missed that!

Jeremiah said...

I've never heard of Hayseed Dixie, I'm just going by the video, but these guys have the two things I like in a bar band. 1) A sense of humor and 2) they can flat out play.