Sunday, April 17, 2011

Back to The Bone!

Double happiness in Music-land!!

2 Kolegas has recently got rid of the hiding-half-the-stage giant speaker stacks which had so compromised the place's enjoyability throughout last year!  Hoorah!!!!  Pity it took them so long.

And.... Black Cat Bone, Beijing's best-beloved laowai party band have returned after a long hiatus (we were starting to worry they might have disbanded altogether after losing their drummer Jon Campbell at the end of last year)!!

And, oh my god, were we just stupidly grateful to have them back, or had they been saving up their juice over the last six months?!  The new drummer's feeling his way into the band slowly, but the rest of the boys were on fire at 2K last night.  Incendiary, Jaime, incendiary!

Including a few encores, and a brief interlude in the middle when bassist Tobi's visiting sister stepped up to sing a couple of songs, they played over two hours straight, and it was all gold. A fantastic show!

Pity it was such a comparatively thin crowd, even at the end.  When they kicked off at 10.45, there were only a couple of dozen people there. As so often with 2K, the event hadn't been well promoted - but I don't think there was anything else very major on last night.  What gives?  Where was everybody???

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