Thursday, June 02, 2011

All that glitters...

... is getting to be a real pain-in-the-arse.

Nearly two weeks on from The Beijinger Bar & Club Awards ceremony at Tango, and I'm still finding pieces of the shiny confetti they bombarded us with at the end... well, everywhere: on the bathroom floor, down the side of the sofa, on the doormat, on the stairs outside, in my bed (despite having changed the sheets twice - WTF?)...

I was still finding pieces of it in my hair and clinging stubbornly to my body two days (and three or four showers) after the event. What is this stuff made of?? It's supernaturally adhesive and maddeningly itchy (and, in all probability, carcinogenic). 

I do hope they'll dispense with this tiresome gimmick next year: it was bad enough that they filled everyone's beer up with the bloody stuff when they started chucking armfuls of it over us at the climax of the ceremony; having it continue to pollute my apartment for weeks afterwards is getting beyond a joke.

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