Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When did it ever get to be so complicated?

I just happened upon this, Modern Drunkard magazine's Rules of Boozing.

There are 86 of them! (I suspect the number was chosen because of its significance in America as a common slang expression for being barred.)  That really seems like about 50 or 60 more than is strictly necessary.

I am intrigued by Rule No. 37, "Try one new drink each week."

Froog is tempted to try to come up with some 'rules' of his own. Patience. It may take a little while.


The Weeble said...

I don't know if it's just an American thing or what. Certainly there are plenty of asinine ideas about drinking games at American universities, most of them involving finding ways of making the person on the other side of the table drink more than they want to. (Of course, China has got a 5,000 year history of making people drink more than they want to.)

Fuck that noise. My favorite drinking game is called "Let's have a drink." The way you play is, you sit down and you have a drink. Everyone comes out a winner.

Froog said...

Yeah, I was really worn down by my experience in Hubei last week: the locals insisted really strictly on the 'no drinking alone' rule. I'd never come across Chinese hosts being such sticklers for that before. These guys really would not let you just take a drink; every time you raised a glass, you had to toast someone or be toasted by someone. It got EXHAUSTING.

Froog said...

By the by, do you have an opinion on whether 86-ing means barring someone for an extended period, or just a one-time ejection?

I had thought the former, but I'm starting to have doubts. Happily, I have never heard the term being actively employed.