Friday, October 07, 2011

Sometimes... the wistfulness overwhelms

It's not that I'm thirsty. It's not that I'm itching to get drunk again. It's just.... occasionally, when the end of the working day, the working week rolls around, and 'happy hour' draws near at your favourite bar... well, you miss familiar comforts.

I'm happy enough not drinking. But I was happier drinking.


The British Cowboy said...

1664 always takes me back to one of the drunkest nights of my life. Not just me, but everyone in the room was close to paralytic.

By the way - have you seen the refurbished Corpus bar? Thorn posted a few pictures of it and it is WAY nicer than students deserve. I give it 2 weeks in that condition.

Froog said...

No, can you send me a link?

Of course, I don't really feel it should have been "refurbished". I liked it unfurbished, how I remembered it. It was a pretty good college cellar bar. One of the best, in fact. The only reason I didn't use it more was that I didn't much like most of the people who hung out there regularly. And I had to be wary of the temptation to get lashed every night on credit!

Froog said...

I prefer Stella to Kronie, on the whole, but Kronie has rarity value here; only a handful of places in Beijing stock it. And my pal JK, proprietor of my local, chose to get it in on draught because of that unique selling point factor.

He recently bumped it up to 40 rmb a half litre (nearly 7 bucks!), which is prohibitively expensive; but it's still a tempting 25 rmb from 6pm to 8pm (or so... timing is usually fairly lax). I have been missing that early evening refreshment stop a few times during this dry month.

Given all the other things you have drunk to excess in your life, I can't see how a 5.5% lager would do such particular damage to you!

The British Cowboy said...


Exeter bar for my first term stocked only Hoffmeister on the lager front. After much complaint, they subbed 1664. That first night we drank as if it was Hoffy. You know , 14 points or so.

Nicks photos are on the Facebook.

Froog said...

So, inaccessible to me, then.

The British Cowboy said...

Oh. I assumed you had succumbed given your mentioning of my FB activity

Froog said...

I was merely speculating about your possible Facebook activity, and lamenting that it was of bugger-all use to me in reassuring me that you were still in the land of the living.

The British Cowboy said...

You need to work on your clarity then, my boy.

Froog said...

Was there no a probably or a perhaps or an I daresay in there?

And was my subject line of Facebook sucks! not sufficiently contextualising to alert you to the fact that any subsequent reference to my possible use of the site was going to be deeply IRONIC??