Friday, December 30, 2011

HBH 266

The agents of change
snatch our memories from the street.
Favourite bars vanish.

Walking home last night, I was saddened - shocked, appalled - to see that Reef, one of the oldest and most popular bars on Nanluoguxiang (the 'Yacht Club', as it was affectionately known to my friends and me), appears to be demised. Everything seems to be gone from inside, including the bar itself. I can't imagine why Chen would think he needed such a thoroughgoing refit. So, I must assume that he's been bumped out by an inflated rent demand, and that the space is about to become yet another upmarket boutique.

The Nanluoguxiang we knew and loved is all but gone. I expect it will have been swept away entirely within another couple of years. I don't want to be around to see it happen.

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