Friday, January 06, 2012


Most of the guests at my little party last weekend were unusually generous in bringing booze, yet surprisingly restrained in their consumption.

Hence, I discovered the day after the revels that my apartment still contained:

10 large cans of beer

1 jug of leftover mulled wine

4-and-a-half bottles of semi-decent red wine

Half a bottle of medium dry sherry

A small bottle of Macedonian rakija 
(made of plums, I would guess from the taste, although the label doesn't seem to specify; really quite pleasant)

A 180ml carton (yes, a carton!) of sake

A bottle of something called Snälleröds Vitvins Glögg 
(which is seemingly a ready-made mulled wine mix from Sweden, but is strangely colourless)


3 bottles of whisky (Scotch, Irish, American)

What exotic and well-travelled friends I have!

I also have a ton of fruit, nuts, and candies that I laid in to give the apartment something of a Christmas feel. And A LOT of leftover spicy pumpkin soup (a gallon or more, I would guess).

So, I've had little need to set foot outside the apartment this week. And I should be OK for booze until the other side of Chunjie.

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