Saturday, June 02, 2007

A sudden moment of discomfort

I posted a favourite Gary Larson cartoon over on Froogville earlier today, and - knowing how bitter the sibling rivalry between my two blogs can grow - I felt I ought to follow suit over here.

We've all known this feeling at some point in our bar-hopping lives, I think.

And there's something about the cow bartender here that especially tickles my funnybone - something about the unsmiling concentration, the dour earnestness as he pours, that I seem to recall seeing in many of the more unwelcoming American barkeeps I've come across.


Anonymous said...

We've all known this feeling at some point in our bar-hopping lives

ah, well some of us have known this feeling more often than others!

(p.s. Earthling. I'm sooo catching up on the first to post challenge. where are you? off gallavanting away from your computer on a Saturday?)


I have been away, and it was healthy. I needed to see some non-square objects.
And to be honest I am begining to feel like the chicken in the cartoon. Nearly everyone who comments on these blogs of Froog and writes blogs is i China, and I feel like an outsider. Story of my life, I'm always "the alian earthling".

Froog said...

No, actually, among my regular commenters, only Tulsa is in China.


Oh, not such a chicken after all.

Anonymous said...

even the chicken adds value. what would a hay bar be without an occasional chicken wandering in?

(written for Earthling, but as Froog pointed out, I more of the Chicken, here, so maybe just written for me!)


Tulsa, we can both be chicken!! A duo is always more interesting than a one-woman show, wouldn't you say?

Anonymous said...

:) sure, why not.

I'm up off my chair flapping my elbows doing the chicken dance.

maybe we can even teach the cows how to dance!