The nearest 7/11 that sells cold beer is a 20-minute walk away. Actually, the nearest store of any kind that sells cold beer is 20 minutes away.
Cold beer in cans, at least. When I was young(er) and (even more) impoverished, I only used to drink local beer in the big 675ml bottles - but the quality of the product in those is far more variable, and it takes a good long while to get them properly chilled. Canned beer, though far more expensive by unit of volume, is a much classier and more satisfying drink.
And any time I feel like indulging in one (which, while the evening weather continues to be this muggy, is likely to be almost every evening), I'm going to be getting in a brisk constitutional of at least 40 minutes.
Oh yes, I can feel the pounds dropping off already.
I was here first Tulsa.
I'm glad to read that other people also need to loose some weight. I need it very much right now I feel. But I'd rather swim.
My weight is frighteningly stable these days. At least when I'm in China. It doesn't seem to matter if I eat a little or a lot, drink a little or a lot, exercise a little or a lot - my weight stays exactly the same.
Which would be fine if I weren't about 8 or 10kg heavier than I'd like to be for my running. It seems that every year when I go home I pile on a few extra kilograms.... and then can't lose it again.
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