Sunday, October 14, 2007

Yet another LATE night

The stupendous Glorious Pharmacy reunion (I'm still dumbfounded as to how Li Tieqiao is able to torture such extreme sounds out of his tenor sax!) was done and dusted before midnight last night, but.... well, there were a lot of people I had to stop and say hi to; and then it seemed like a nice night for a stroll around the lakes (a very indirect route home... but there were actually stars to be seen last night, and that hardly ever happens in Beijing); and that led to a stopping into the 'Haiku Bar' for 'just the one'.....

So, that's now 3 nights in a row that I've got by on about 4 or 5 hours of sleep. Oh dear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wasn't it an amazing night sky?? it started out a little hazy, but as we approached the rising sun, the sky was certainly full of diamonds.

that was my first Glorious Pharmacy experience. I am amazed. Who knew that was even possible?

Also met Sumita and hubby for the first time. What a fabulous pair... so sad to meet only as they are leaving. I hope, as you predict, they do come back.