Monday, June 02, 2008

Traffic Report - blog stats for May

Last month, there were 55 posts and just over 14,000 words on Froogville.

On the Barstool, there were 41 posts and nearly 12,500 words.

Amazing that I managed to keep up such a prolific output in a month when I had so much else on! I really must try harder to slow down.....

A particularly busy month on the Barstool; curious that in terms of sheer verbiage, it was running its big brother Froogville very, very close this time. There were in fact one or two spells of a few days where I didn't manage to post at all, and I only kept up my recent monthly average on my 'main' blog through the ongoing silliness of the 'Daily Llama' series (which is a pretty easy thing to post, after all).

We also celebrated, of course, Froogville's 1,000th (and 1,001st, and....) post, while the Barstool cruised past the 666 mark and notched up it's 10,000th visitor (at least, according to Sitemeter).

Other notable news was that the great Possible Band Names competition finally limped past its 100th comment (I fear I may have to close it down soon, since it appears that only the indefatigable Gary is still playing....).

And my geographical breakdown from Statcounter informs me that I've been visited recently by readers in Tokyo, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and...... Tehran! Who are all these people????


The British Cowboy said...

Yesterday I composed a witty and erudite response to some post, but it kept timing out without posting. Today I have forgotten said response. So please, readers, laugh anyway, and be in awe of my razor sharp humor.

Sometimes even those of us in the US get internet issues too...

Froog said...

Haha, Cowboy, you crack me up as ever.

Yes, I think the slowdown in participation from my more regular commenters (and the incentive-to-lurk for new visitors) results largely from the recent extreme glitchiness of the Blogger comment form.

I hope the tech boys get this sorted soon, because it really is undermining the essential blogginess of the whole undertaking.