Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Party Season

As I think I've mentioned on here in previous years, the great expat Christmas clearout seems to get under way earlier and earlier each year (with many of the less well-off brethren vamoosing before the airfares take the big seasonal price-hike around the middle of the month). And this means that the Christmas party season gets under way pretty damned early.

This Friday sees the infamous 'Coven' Christmas party - now in its third great year! - organised by a clutch of my girlie mates (with hugs and encouragement and just a little bit of logistical support from yours truly). I am absolved of Santa duties again this year (at least, I am for this party....), so can concentrate on getting well and truly lashed.

The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China is having its Christmas drinks party the following night. And one of my Chinese friends is having a similar bash slightly later in the evening. It's looking like it could be a stormy weekend.

And then my "teachers' support group" is proposing a Christmas dinner (very early for dinner, surely, chaps?!) the following Friday.

And I haven't yet heard from the Koryo boys, but I'm sure they'll be doing something quite soon - probably something involving a cheap or free bar and huge quantities of toxic North Korean soju.

Ah, Christmas in Beijing.....


Anonymous said...
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Froog said...

Gosh, we just had our first-ever spam in Chinese! From the Kerry Center Shangri-la Hotel, no less.

Classy! Not.