Monday, January 04, 2010

The weekly bon mot

"The great horror of the passing years is not that the world grows old around us, but that it grows young."


"Where did all these young people come from? They're so loud and so brash. And they have such awful taste in music. And they don't want to sleep with me."

Froog (again)

I think I first said something like this more than a decade ago. For a while I was able to escape the phenomenon by relocating to China - was somehow able to re-set the clock, to give myself a fresh infusion of youthful vigour. But in the last few years, this depressive youthening of my surroundings has kicked in again with a vengeance. Am I just "feeling my age"? Or were young people less obnoxious 10 or 20 years ago? I'm thinking it's the latter.

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