Sunday, November 11, 2007

How was I yesterday?

A friend sent me an SMS enquiring how I was doing last night.

I replied:

"Pleasantly mellow on an exotic mixture of drugs - cloves, codeine, cannabis, baijiu, beer."

I do not often get so whacked out of my head, dear readers, honestly. But I have been very poorly the last couple of days: a particularly vicious flare-up of my of my perennially troublesome wisdom teeth has left me with an agonisingly sore throat, and I need every variety of 'medication' I can get my hands on! (Cloves courtesy of Tulsa, cannabis courtesy of Big Frank.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Were it not for the grit of dust in the wind that constantly exfoliates any exposed skin, filling the air we breathe; were it not for the regular weeks of little or no sleep, weakening a normally hardy immune system; were it not for the dark alley meanderings contemplating the sunrise in the Old City during the Cold that sweeps the city at 3am; I might blame you for the scratch in my throat...

As it is, I'll just keep at it with my "burmese" tea and maybe force myself to bed early tonight.

Hope you feel better, soon.