Sunday, September 28, 2008

More wisdom of the txts

Last night, one of my occasional drinking companions was taunting me for my decision to have a quiet evening in on account of my continuing ill health.

He suggested the best remedy might be "copious amounts of whisky".

In response, I ruefully quipped:
"Yeah - if I'm going to die, I might as well die drunk and poor."

Luckily, I have some whiskey at home. Strictly for medicinal purposes, you understand.


Tih said...

Well, actually, around these parts of the Balkans, if one is spotted to be sickly, one will promptly get served a concoction of hot plum brandy (raki) with honey and lemon. It works wonders.
Want to try that one?

Froog said...

Well, thanks for the tip, TIH. The plum brandy would be a problem, but I've been making myself hot toddies with whiskey.... or brandy..... or baijiu.... or soju.

Briefly comforting - but it's not sorting the problem out.

Tih said...

Ever considered the possibility that you may be developing an allergy to your life in Beijng? Just kidding of course.

BTW, have you ever thought of different kinds of expats that one gets to meet on an average night out. Such as, misfits in their own lives back home so they go away to see if they fit better in other people’s lives and hang out with other misfits. Or those who rather take up a job on the other side of the world than face their problematic marriage?

Froog said...

Ah, yes. I am Type 1 and The Chairman is Type 2.

Same in Kosovo? Same the whole world over, I imagine.