Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Never again!!!

Every time I throw a party here (that one this weekend was my 4th in the two-and-a-half years I've been in my current apartment), I say it is going to be MY LAST - but this time I think I really mean it. The efforts involved beforehand wore me down too much; the mess left afterwards seems neverending.....

I have just left two posts, two looooonnng and anquished posts over on Froogville, explaining why it was all just so much more hassle than readers elsewhere might have realised owing to particular local circumstances.

And the final straw that snaps the spine of this overstressed camel - every glass, EVERY glass, every single bloody glass (about 80 of 'em, although at least nearly all of them were those disposable plastic jobs) was left one-third-full. Oh well, at least I don't have that old half-full/half-empty debate on my hands again. Funny how we don't say "two-thirds empty"; not often, anyway - is it an unsuspected core of optimism buried deep in our natures??

80 glasses with something left in them (oh, yeah, and the beer cans and the wine bottles too!)!!! Do you have any idea how much more difficult that makes the clean-up?! Can't just toss them straight in trash bags, have to gingerly ferry them in batches to a sink or a loo first to empty them: seems to make the process of rounding them all up about a million times more time-consuming!!!!

What's the matter with you people?? Drink up, for heaven's sake!!!

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