Monday, April 30, 2007
The Muslim succession
A bon mot from a famous drinker
Humphrey Bogart
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Rock'n'Roll City - a busy week ahead
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Second chances
Friday, April 27, 2007
HBH 27
A mouth full of bees!
Un-human, ethereal –
Mongol throat-singing.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Centro - the worst bar in Beijing?
Anyone have any other bad Centro experiences to share? Anyone able to top that one?
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Wall of Noise
It's certainly not the kind of stuff you go home humming, anyway.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Fidelity - or fatigue?
Another drinker's bon mot
"Happy the man that dies before closing time."
Sunday, April 22, 2007
IZ they was
North Korean holidays - a shameless plug

Saturday, April 21, 2007
Is you IZ, or IZ you ain't...?
"Sometimes I just get so tired of everything - but the music."
The Pool Bar
Ah, this is a good place. A dangerous place, but a good place.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Beware of Tequila!
1) Irresistibly witty.
2) Irresistibly attractive to the opposite sex.
3) Bullet-proof.
4) Invisible.
HBH 26
Different bar, same old
Haiku. Music, people, drink,
Fun.... and emptiness.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
What is it about the French?
I'm afraid our respectably gorgeous female companions soon lapsed into a kind of invisibility against this solid background of eye-popping beauty..... and effortless stylishness, coquettish vivacity, such casual elegance, such provoking hauteur.
The Choirboy and I were both falling 'in love', or 'in lust' at any rate, every few seconds, counting off each new heart spasm one by one: "Four, five, six.... god, that's six times I've been smitten while waiting to get served at the bar."
Part of the appeal, no doubt, (our excuse, anyway, for our woefully promiscuous, girl-hopping gaze) is that we realised we had no chance whatsoever with any of them.
We actually made our excuses and left early, to preserve our sanity.
God, what is it about the French? Je ne sais quoi.
Je ne saurai jamais.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Amnesia, a friend indeed
I replied: "Ah, alcohol - the cure for shame."
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Huxley's - the 'Haiku Bar'
Monday, April 16, 2007
'Tired & Emotional' explained
He received the rather frosty reply:
"My good sir, there are at least three reasons why I must decline your request. First, you are drunk. Second, this tune the band is playing is my country's national anthem. And third, I am the Cardinal Archbishop of Valparaiso."
Another poetic 'thought', and some random questions
want to cry
into your beer and
denies you the beer
to cry into
Don Marquis (1878-1937)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
The Adventure Bar
"Well, we could have one more. The night is still young."
Friday, April 13, 2007
HBH 25
Dark, quiet, timeless,
Remote from the world's bustle.
Return to the womb.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Old Excuses
Here's the opening instalment:
Is man ever hurt in a motor smash?
No. He sustains an injury.
Does such a man ever die from his injuries?
No. He succumbs to them.
Correct. But supposing an ambulance is sent for. He is put into the ambulance and rushed (never merely taken) to hospital. Is he dead when he gets there, assuming he is not alive?
No, he is not dead. Life is found to be extinct.
[Or these days, I suppose, "he was pronounced dead on arrival".]
Correct again. A final question. Did he go into the hospital, or enter it, or be brought into it?
He did not. He was admitted to it.
Good. That will do for today.
And a little later, there were these examples from the pub:
What is it that a final drink will not do us?
What is the condition which, by reason of the long time we will be subject to it, supports the theory that it would be safe to have one more?
The condition of being dead.
For what service maintained by the rating authority is it permissible to have still another final drink?
The road.
And upon what did bird never fly?
Wan [One] wing.
I recently posted another wonderful passage of O'Brien's over on Froogville here.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Post 200 - time for another poem!
Connoisseur of Melancholy
I lay my sadness down for years to come;
Hide it far from sight, to patiently await
The moment of its perfection
In a dark cool vault, where
Bottled griefs ripen to despair.
From time to time, I descend to these depths
To review my collection; squinting
Through the gloom to make out
The names and years in endless rows;
Turning each one over lovingly in my mind,
Poring fondly over faded labels;
Recalling each painful acquisition
With soft regret and sorrowful delight.
Looking at me & you, I think
That was a very good year;
But (following the experts) I know
It will be another decade yet
Until its savour is keenest.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wingman from Hell (another Temple moment)
Monday, April 09, 2007
Jousting with the censors
Thought for the week (Chinese, in verse)

Sunday, April 08, 2007
The breaking of the Fellowship
* For non-China-watchers, 'The Three Represents' is Jiang Zemin's definitive contribution to Chinese Communist theory. Not only is it a dismally clunky slogan, the substance of it is pretty impenetrable too. I have pointed out to Chinese friends that the standard English translation of the third 'represent' - "the Chinese Communist Party always represents the orientation of the advanced culture" - is drivel, and they've said to me, "Oh, it doesn't really mean anything in Chinese either." The bit that really matters is No. 2, about representing "the advanced productive forces of society": this decodes, more or less, as "greed is good!"; it is the Party enthusiastically embracing unfettered capitalism (and trying, though with rather limited success so far, to bring the new entrepreneurial class within the Party fold).